Amateur Hour Featuring Angus Hills
Amateur Hour Featuring Angus Hills
Added on 20 Jan 2017
Watched 3,327 times

The snowboarding formula has been written a long time ago and it says you need to get your wings in the park before taking it into thebackcountry sending it off natural features. Angus Hills has broken that mold. At the age of 16 this kid is not even thinking about a park booters instead opting to spend his time scoping lines and carving out features into the natural landscape. Angus was chosen for the premiere of this video series solely because he doesn't fit the current mold for kids emerging into the world of sponsored snowboarding.
Interview and editing: Are Dube
Filming: Justin Cahill, Gabe Borthwick, Danny LeBlanc, and Caitlin Shaw
Music: XXYYXX - You are why I am invisible.

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