Shannon and Anthony - Feeling Good
Shannon and Anthony - Feeling Good
Added on 24 Jan 2017
Watched 3,319 times

Meeting Shannon and Anthony was a great experience! Their love story began less than a year ago on When I asked about the wedding being so close in their timeline to their first date, they simply looked at each other and said "we just knew".
These two let us go all out a the Moorpark Country Club! We even had 3 GoPro's running at any given time, and on Anthony's head during a portion of the party! The head mounted GoPro was a hit! We have some great footage of the party from a POV perspective. Its always a great experience getting to know people as their two families become one. The love and joy that everyone feels is radiant, and you can't help but feel it too.
So to Shannon and Anthony... Live long and prosper! ;)
Music By: Michael Buble - Feeling good

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